Web 2.0 is WEB BASED and does not require that you be logged on to any particular computer. The information and websites exist on the web which can be accessed from any computer. I love the idea of Web 2.0 tools for teaching because students will be able to interact and collaborate with each other, and also be able to do homework at the library or at home without needing the computer that they used at school. A couple of the web tools that I found particularlly interesting were "Dabbleboard" and "Screen Toaster"
Dabbleboard was so fun to discover, and I think that with more training and practice I could find really creative ways to use this great feature. I love that it is 'live' drawing, the first idea that came to mind was if I was teaching a class on different types of stages in the theater, all of my students could be a part of creating the online whiteboard image of different stages (ie: theatre in the round, thrust, proscenium). The students could take turns drawing where the audience sits and where the stage is, where the actors enter and exit-the possibilities are endless with thsi web 2.0 tool! Someone did raise I good argument that it was just like a whitboard except it was online, and I thought about it and recalled my highschool middle high years and don't have any record of what went on the whitboards because they were all erased at the end of the lesson! This virtual whiteboard is just another product that can be saved and catalogued for future use!
Screen Toaster has been such a fun toll to mess around with. The other night after I got home from class I was skyping with my dad and we got around to talking about hoe he needed a gmail account. I wanted him to see my gmail screen and how you could jump to google documents as well as the calendar feature. So, instead of having to tell him step by step I toasted my screen for him! Not only did he love it it also made it much easier for him to understnad what may have taken a lot longer to explain. This same route could be used in a classroom if I wanted to show a powerpoint or have students screen toast for homewrok and use that as proof of what they searched while online.
Awesome comparison of old-school whiteboard to Dabbleboard. And appreciated your ScreenToaster to your Dad. Please share in class.