
Web 2.0 Tool Demo

Here it is! Over the last week Meri and I worked on a presentation of 'Tokbox'. What we covered was the specifics of how to create an account, and the positives and negatives of this Web. 2.0 tool. Tokbox is an all around great tool for personalizing the instant message, collaborating with co-workers and allowing conversations to include not only audio and visual but also linked videos, pictures, and work screens. In conclusion, all it takes to realize the benefits and possibilities of this feature is to take 5 min set up an account, browse around and allow all the ideas to appear!

This is a quick screen toast I did showing how I logged into my Tokbox account and then browsed through some of the features.

This is a video message I recorded and sent to Meri (my partner on this activity) telling her what I had worked on so far and a couple other comments. Tokbox is a great tool for group work as can be seen by this video. It enables users to speak via video feed exactly what they are intending to communicate without importance being lost in translation or misunderstood due to the 1 dimensional nature of emails.

TokBox - Free Video Chat and Video Messaging

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful Post --- thanks for sharing (and all the Embeds).
